Friday, 28 April 2023

The Steinwinter Truck, The Highwayman and Mehr!

Re. last month's post on the Steinwinter truck:

the one with the Ferrari logo on the side. A quick look turned up a few things. Hope this helps.

It seems the truck was shown at the 1983 Frankfurt Motor Show, in Germany. It actually existed, which is amazing.

I would have thought the cab would be far too small and low for anyone to actually get in and out of, with the ground clearance being measured in millimetres.

A major advantage of a normal or cab-over engine layout is that the driver sits very high up, and can therefore see over most other traffic, and know what is up ahead. This design would leave the driver with no visibility, and no idea what the road conditions and traffic were like ahead.

Apparently, it did inspire the truck in the TV series The Highwayman - this video includes the opening sequence from the show.

There are also some articles on the truck.

What do you think?

Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. This is really cool!

    In learning about this, I started getting links to the Chevrolet Turbot Titan III, a jet powered concept truck from the 1960s.
    (Which coincidentally, kinda resembles the "Monster Car" from the 1960s "Speed Racer" cartoon.

    Well, you've given me some neat stuff some neat stuff to read/research today!

    Thank you!

  2. I'm not a truck, or even car, guy, but even I can see the dangerous impracticality of this otherwise great looking cab design. I'm amazed it made it off the drawing board.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/29/2023 7:26 am

    Thanks Scott, I am glad you enjoyed it. I was also amazed they actually built it. I doubt it was popular with anyone who had to drive it.
