Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Spam or Maybe Not!

Waiting for a train to the Flughafen I noticed something in the blog admin site I'd not seen afore. A spam folder. A good thing in itself, trapping the junk mail MC receives, alas, it has also grabbed lots of readers' comments over the years. The oldest was one from Yorkie from 2011!

I have released as many as I could from incarceration so you may see the odd comment of yours appear after being lost in space.

I have no idea why blogger thinks some legitimate readers comments are spam but I shall check from now on!


  1. If you get an email about mechanically recovered meat, in a tin, don't open it!

    1. I always imagine that when the world ends there will be a tin of Spam by my side.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/18/2023 6:46 pm

    Wow, 2011. That is 12 years. Gmail also has a Spam Folder, but it deletes everything after 30 days - I usually forget to check it, but I have found a few non-Spam items in there. I wonder what else I have missed ?

    1. Yes, I regularly have to check Gmail spam as it junks some readers' stuff too. Kevin for one and Ed for some reason!

  3. funny, but I've never checked that folder - one of these decades I may have to just to see what's there
