Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Notes from Abroad .... Well, the Airport

 It's odd what you think about on a train journey.

Pulling up to Deansgate in Manchester I could have sworn I was looking at a Andersonesque Thunderscape of Corgi Rockets Skyparks!

Amazingly tall thin towers everywhere just like my beloved Skypark toy high rise car park. Did you have a Skypark?

In the midst of all this Utopian might was a squat derelict red brick factory called the Hotspur Press/ Percy Brothers nestled among steel and glass giants. It looked so out of place but I'm glad it was there. 

I've no idea what they printed. Surely not the Hotspur comic!

Another pop culture reference popped up just now too. 

At Archie's I had that most Travolting of burgers, the Royale with cheese. You know, the one Vincent Vega describes early on in the film Pulp Fiction before all Hell breaks loose. OK, he was on about McDonalds in Paris but I'm in Manchester. 

Have you had one?


  1. "Uh, no. I Didn't go to Burger King..."

    -or words to that effect, I didn't look up the actual quote. Fun Fact, in Australia, Burger King is called Hungry Jack's. Maybe they thought the American name sounded too much like Bu**er!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/12/2023 7:06 am

    Weird. It is called Burger King in New Zealand.

  3. Have looked up that building Woodsy.
    It has a fascinating history, but 'no', it isn't where they printed the Hotspur comic.
