Saturday, 1 April 2023

A Shocking Toy!

I thought this was an April fool but no, it appears to be a real toy! 

My Action Man, with gripping hands, would have run a mile!

What do you think readers? In very poor taste?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/01/2023 8:19 pm

    Bizarre. More of an adult novelty than a real toy. Copyright 1978 Poynter Products, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio 45204. Made in Hong Kong. It uses a 9 volt battery.
    Aurora were planning an Electric Chair in their Chamber of Horrors series, but after the Guillotine ran in to problems, the rest of the line never appeared.

    1. I suppose its just the same as a war toy Paul but an electric chair is that little bit more grisly. I assume the battery in this toy gave out a small shock. So what else did Aurora cancel Paul?

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/02/2023 10:56 am

    The only Chamber of Horrors kit actually released was the infamous Guillotine. According to Aurora Model Kits by Thomas Graham, planned, but cancelled were the Electric Chair, the Hanging Tree, the Rack, and the Gallows. Pattern models for the Hanging Tree and the Rack are shown in the book.

    1. Great stuff Paul, thanks. What a chamber of horrors it would have been. This chair is a clear descendant of the same monster craze that drove Aurora. Poynter must have come along when thinking had changed about things like this as toys. Maybe Ohio had the death penalty?

  3. At that price I'd want a full sized one!

  4. See Tod McFarlane "Death Row Marv"

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/02/2023 6:50 pm

    According to Wikipedia, Ohio was the second US state to adopt the electric chair, in 1897, but it was later replaced by lethal injection.
