Tuesday, 21 March 2023


Further to the sweet filled flying saucers, here’s my JR21 Rosenthal TB2. The sweet filled one. 
Actual sweets long gone! 
Will O.

Did you have one of these?


Woodsy adds:

Way back in 2009 I blogged about this amazing JR21 variant of the TB2, when reader, contributor and Thunderbirds collector Steve sent me pics and info of his own example, the first I'd ever seen. Click the label below for more, Steve's Sweet TB2. Its something of a blog legend now, not often mentioned these days. Nice to see Will's all these years later.

The Japanese were great ones for filling cool toys with candy and chocolate. Again, we've enjoyed some over the years on MC such as an SPV and most of the Thunderbirds fleet filled with sweets. 

How cool would it be to get something like this this Easter!


  1. Good grief, a candy-filled Thunderbird would be about the best gift of all time! What a beauty that is, and the box is tip top too!!!

  2. Yep, the ultimate Easter gift! Thundereaster!
