Wednesday, 4 January 2023


I read with interest the latest on the fabulous Down The Tubes website concerning various TV21 titles and who owns them. A complicated business, I was interested to see Project SWORD listed in the details. If you do read this article maybe you could conform that you too think it means that the company Rebellion now own Project SWORD or have I read it incorrectly?

Do you think we will ever see ALL the TV21 SWORD text stories re-issued and bound in a single volume, which would be good?

As an aside, does the new ownership of TV21 by Rebellion and a title like Project SWORD affect any ownership of the Project SWORD toy line, which was part of the Century 21 Toys brand? What do you think?


  1. Rebellion were the last owners of 2000ad as far as I recall and they made a pretty good fist of it. They are a progressive media company and probably secured the rights to TV21 et al in case Anderson titles made a resurgence, but given the lacklustre response to the last Thunderbirds, its highly unlikely they will do anything with a little known property like Sword.

  2. Rebellion were the last owners of 2000ad as far as I recall and they made a pretty good fist of it. They are a progressive media company and probably secured the rights to TV21 et al in case Anderson titles made a resurgence, but given the lacklustre response to the last Thunderbirds, its highly unlikely they will do anything with a little known property like Sword.

  3. I think it more likely that Anderson Entertainment run by Gerry's son Jamie is most likely to publish the comic strips and text stories one day as they have recently done with the TV21 Fireball XL5 strips and the Countdown/TV Action UFO Comic strips and have published several books in tne past few years. Sales to fans have been pretty good for these I'm sure they have plans to publish more.

  4. Insightful comments and thanks for sharing. I suppose Project SWORD is obscure even to Anderson fans.
