Sunday, 1 January 2023



As my recent Avengers posts have gone down very well, with plenty of views, I’ll continue with another look at the Avengers, and New Avengers Corgi Toys.

The Avengers Gift Set: Produced from 1966 to 1969. It featured Steed in a light grey suit and bowler, driving a red vintage Bentley with black running boards, brown upholstery and gold spokes on its wheels. A figure of Emma Peel stands next to a white Lotus Elan S2. The set also comes with three novelty umbrellas.

The Gift set also reputedly came in a rarer version which is often touted. A green vintage Bentley, brown upholstery, green running boards and wheels with red spokes. As a point of interest ,sometimes sets are seen with a green Bentley, dark grey running boards, red upholstery and silver spokes. The driver is dressed in a dark suit. This is actually from a different Corgi set, The World of Wooster.

A comparison photo showing the differences between what I think is the green 'Avengers' Bentley and the World of Wooster version.

Some Adverts from TV Century 21,

An advert for The World of Wooster Bentley.

Corgi model club news from TV Century 21

A collector's magazine:

Dinky Toys released Purdey’s Triumph TR7 between 1978 and 1980, and had plans to produce a version of John Steed’s Jaguar XJ12 5.3 Coupe. Aka ‘The Big Cat’. Sadly, the Jaguar didn’t make an official commercial release.

In 1999, Corgi re-released Steed’s vintage 1927 Bentley in British racing green with brown upholstery, black running boards and chrome spokes. It came with a painted metal John Steed figure in light grey suit, raising his bowler.

Finally in 2000, Corgi released two New Avengers die-casts; a green Range Rover with a different figure of Steed, in a dark suit , and Mike Gambit’s red Jaguar XJS. That came with a figure of Gambit.

Unfortunately, Corgi didn't release a vehicle for Purdey, so Dinky completes the team!


  1. Nice. I like the New Avengers 'set'. Given that they were 70's cars, the toys are probably easier to find than the real ones, which will have rusted away by now!

    1. That's probably true, Kev. I seem to recall reading somewhere that Producer, Brian Clemens had nothing but trouble with the British Leyland cars that were supplied. They were forever breaking down.

    2. The John Steed Jaguar XJ12 5.3 Coupe. Aka ‘The Big Cat’ was not a factory approved modification and was unstable with it's wider tyres.

    3. Although the Jaguar was a great looking motor, a real muscle car, I never thought it suited Steed's character, Terra.

  2. Sorry Scoop, I'm confused.
    You say it 'reputably' came in a green version. Do you mean 'reputedly' and ,if so, did it come in green or not ? If not, what is the one you've photographed ?

    1. Sorry for the confusion, Mish, I'll try to explain.

      I used the word, reputedly because I've never been able to find absolute confirmation of a green variant appearing when the set first appeared.
      There's plenty of testimony from armchair experts and general hearsay, Mish. but unless I'm able to cross check I always have my doubts.

      However, in saying that, my green Bentley with the red wheels, does look the part, so assuming there is a green Avengers Bentley version I'll put my money on that , right or wrong!

  3. Could it be, therefore, that people have the memory of a green Avengers model, when , in fact, they're all the Wooster ones ?

  4. Oddly, I'm pretty sure I had Steed's Bentley, on it's own, as a kid, and it was the green one !

    1. I'll add a photo including the Wooster Bentley, Mish

  5. Terrific article, I recall that original Dinky Toys set vividly!

  6. Great post Scoop and great shots. I'm always surprised there were no plastic versions of the Avengers vehicles, labelled as such.

    1. Thanks Woodsy. No plastic toy vehicles as far as I know. Apart from books and annuals, there's a few items of vintage Avengers merchandise about. All pretty rare, of course. I've seen the plastic cork- firing Lone Star Steed Sword Stick at Toy fairs. Fairylite did an Emma Peel doll, and there's a set of Jigsaws!
