Sunday, 8 January 2023


One of my favourite Action Man uniforms as a kid was the German Stormtrooper and the Stick Grenade in particular.  A seemingly simple combination of a hammer handle and a tin can, I loved to get my Palitoy Fighting Man to hold the stick grenade in the classic throwing position. There was just something about its design and here's a couple I saw on Ebay.

I led a very militaristic life as a kid to be honest. War was a constant in the Sixties playroom and in the real world on the telly. My mates and I battled in the garden till the sun went down. We had everything, from field dressings to cap grenades but we never had a life size stick grenade like our Action Men.

Out of interest I recently checked to see if any toy firm back then actually released a stick grenade and lo and behold, Marx did! Here's a snap of a carded one from Worthpoint.

It appears to have been a single unit of plastic, which had a cap firing mechanism. Made in Swansea, Wales, it was called a 'souvenir' grenade, which is an odd word to use. My mates and I would have happily lobbed a few of these around the garden battlefield.

Did you have a favourite Action Man or GI Joe accessory?


  1. Known to British troops as a "Potato Masher", a strange souvenir indeed.

  2. I've not seen or heard of the Marx German grenade before. Looking at the above pic, I would've loved one as a kid. As for Action Man, there were so many fun accessories made, I can't pick a favorite, Woodsy.

    1. I know Tone. Accy Man was simply the best!

  3. We even had a rocket like one:

  4. I loved the Mortar, Bazooka and Rope Grapple Gun!

    1. All fab things! Another of my faves was the rifle rack full of the various rifles!
