Saturday, 28 January 2023


Not much to show for moseying round 6 charity shops this afternoon. What's clear is prices are going up!

Two interesting things I saw were:

Oh Penny! boxed sets by Blue Bird toys from 1988, the Shopping Centre and the Camper. Both £15 each. I was sorely tempted until the Missus insisted that the Granddaughter play with them if I bought them! You what!

There was also this fella whom I don't know at all. From 2003. £8.  Who is it?

You win some, you lose some. Today I came away with nada. Oh well.

Have you found anything of late readers?


  1. youd never shift those Oh Penny toys, far too common these days. Think the big fella is Ben 10

    1. They did look appealing in their boxes, that Oh Penny! I was drawn towards them, the old toy magpie in me. Big Fella Ben 10 eh! Thanks.

  2. Only five venues today, but oh what a day! A Dean's Rag Book Mickey Mouse from the Thirties, a couple of NM first issue Lesney Matchboxes from early Sixties, a boxed Batman Corgi Gift Set 3 plus some vintage Batman postcards & figures. Must be some Wotan mojo in the air! (Congrats again)

    1. What a haul Arto! Helsinki is the toy capital of the world!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/28/2023 8:38 pm

    I like the Shopping Centre playset. Great finds, Arto. New Zealand must have the worst charity shops on the entire planet. You just never find great things from the 1930s and 1960s in them. Only second-hand clothes and household goods. Very few toys, and all modern. My only finds of any note were a Matchbox Super Kings car from the 1970s, and a 1/43rd Heller car kit - in decades of looking. Antique shops have some items, but are super expensive. That just leaves the fairs aimed at collectors.

    1. How do Charities get their income in NZ Paul?

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/29/2023 11:34 am

    Charities would get most of their income from donations, annual appeals, fund raising events of one sort or another. Some get help from large companies. The larger charities do have shops, and some churches have an op shop with limited days and hours. As I said, they mostly have clothes, furniture, and household items. A few books and DVDs, but little in the way of toys. I am always amazed by what you, and other readers, are able to find.
