Friday 2 December 2022

Giving You Wings

Going even further back to 1961, we have the Lyons Tea Card set 'Wings Across The World'. This is one I was largely unaware of, until I inherited all my dad's tea card collections. Again, its a bit dilapidated, having spent the last 60 odd years being thumbed and dog eared, badly stored, hidden in a loft and ultimately rescued from the back of a cupboard. 
It shows the transition from propellor driven airliners to jet and is very much of the classic era of aeroplane travel, when there was still a certain prestige attached to it and package holidays still languished in the near future.
Once more, like the previous post, the card subjects are a little dull for my tastes, with the exception of the Argosy Transport and BEA Rotodyne. They do capture the spirit of the Airfix heyday, when you could buy a kit of almost any plane under the sun.
Its also interesting to note the airlines which are now long gone, such as B.O.A.C and BEA, which were common sights at airports in the sixties.
With the exception of loose cards and the odd aviation card in other albums, this is it for my aeronautical series, but look out for other albums shortly! I'm off for a cup of tea now and a nice sit down.



  1. Product of a lost age. I do miss tea cards and their albums. Oddly enough, you can pick them up dirt cheap on ebay

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/02/2022 6:21 pm

    Thank you, another great set. Tea companies in NZ never put cards in their packets, so we missed out on these.

  3. Another gorgeous peek! Always nice to see a Qantas V jet! Does anyone remember the Tintin adventure that featured them?
    I emigrated to Australia on a Qantas V jet - The City of Wollongong!

  4. Lovely stuff Bill and thanks for photographing them all and sharing your treasure.

  5. Ah, the golden age of jetliners! My father traveled a lot in the 60s, and every time he took a plane trip he made sure to get me a postcard of the airship he was flying. I think I still have them somewhere. If I can locate them, I will upload and send along to MBC.
