Saturday, 24 December 2022


While I was digging through the internet, looking for information for the Airfix figure articles, I came across this book. 

I have not heard of this before. Given your interest in figures I wondered if you knew of it ? It is on figure kits, and covers many of the major and even minor producers. It looks as though it would answer a lot of our questions.

Collectible Figure Kits of the 50s, 60s, & 70s, Gordy Dutt, Gordy's/KitBuilders Magazine, 1995. All in black and white.

Anyone got this?

I also came across some interesting information on gold-coloured James Bond Aston Martins. It seems Corgi were not the only company turning out such models. Why gold? Anyone know?

I have finally finished the USS Enterprise Bridge kit. Now to write it up, but I am still working on the Airfix James Bond and Odd Job kit as well. One at a time.

Merry Xmas!

Paul Adams
New Zealand


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/24/2022 10:57 am

    I have just realised how poorly worded this item is. Sorry. What I meant was that I was still working on the Airfix James Bond and Odd Job kit article, not that I was working on the kit itself - which I do not have. Having written up the 1/12th scale Airfix Life Guard Trumpeter kit, I decided I might as well look at all the other Airfix 1/12th scale figures. That took me a while, and I now have a back log of other things that need to be written up.

    1. Paul, your toy and model articles are possibly my favorite posts on the blog. Always well-researched and containing information I, for one, did not know about. Keep ‘em coming, please!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/24/2022 8:01 pm

    Thank you, Anonymous. These articles are a lot of fun to research and write, and I certainly will keep them coming. Merry Christmas.
