Monday, 7 November 2022


I've finished watching the excellent Mandalorian on Disney+

As usual I'm seeing connections all over.

For instance the helmet and the armour.

I'm thinking Ancient Greek ....

or Roman!

The jet pack, Rising Pheonix, that Mando's given near the end.....

 reminded me completely of the Krygo 5 eraser from Diener's 1970's rubber range.

And those little musicals trills after Mando had finished zapping everyone is a deadringer for Clint and his little flutey signature whistle in those old Sergio Leone Westerns.

Overall the Mandalorian recalls somewhat the helmeted warrior in Timmee's Galaxy Laser Team.

What do you think?


  1. Star Wars is essentially a western in space and Mandalorian takes it one step further with the 'lone gunman' for hire trope. The episode where hes defending the village is Seven Samurai and eTernal Fortress influenced too. As far as the toys, they come right off Boba Fett in Empire and the greek/roman style is an intentional stylistic reference from the off. Overall a wonderful series, cant wait for series 3! Bill

  2. As I've said before here, I'm sure; there's nothing new under the sun! It's why I try not to take any of it too seriously! It's continuity-error strewn entertainment, in which some of the stuff missing in the original three movies has bee added in to later stuff which is set earlier in the EU timeline, you need to switch off your credulity button before you watch any of it!


  3. What's the EU timeline Hugh? I'm being thick.

    1. Expanded Universe or something . . . Extended Universe?


  4. The video clip was of Clint Eastwood but it's been removed sorry.

  5. Expanded Universe stuff, such as the early novels, the 'Shadows of the Empire' N64 game and figures and the comic series from Dark Horse, are all 'non-canonical' now since the House of Mouse moved in and shook up the franchise. The original films and subsequent Disney releases are the way forward, anything else is 'very nice but..'

  6. i love this serie,Mando is one of the best sw charachters (imo of course)
