Monday, 7 November 2022

Beneath the Helmet

Following on from Woodsys note about The Mandalorian series, here are a couple of models I picked up recently from the series. Above is Paz Vizsla, also referred to as 'heavy weapons mandalorian' from the episide 'The Sin'. This is from the Black Series of six inch figures, introduced by Hasbro a couple of years ago, which feature superior sculpting and detail to the standard 3" line. For the most part, they are a difficult line to collect, as is often the case, the line is full of limited editions and special figures, which is the chief reason I gave up on collecting figures back in the 90's.

Wheareas I have a full set of the standard original figures from 1977, the Power of the Force release which ran with the Special Editions if the original trilogy and featured more 'beefed up' figures, proved impossible to keep up with. Subsequent releases and lines spiralled rapidly out of control making it a very rich mans hobby to compete.

Nowadays, I don't even try to look at new figures even though there are some amazing models. The Heavy mandalorian was picked up at a discount store for a tenner and the smaller figure was found at a street stall with toys left out for passers by to take.

The Mandalorian has some gorgeous designs in the series and Boba Fett's original armour design has been expanded upon dramatically, as we see where the name and suit originally arrived from. Boba and his father Jango, were not true Mandalorians and the armour and helmet must have been acquired some time in the past.

The T shaped visor design has been around since 1978/9 when production began on Empire, with the suit originally intended for a cadre of 'supercommandos' as seen in Joe Johnstones original treatment, from the ESB Sketchbook.

Another throwback is Mando's disintegrator rifle, which was furst seen being wielded by Boba Fett in the animated short in the SW Holiday Special.

The Mandalorian's costume and armour are upgraded through the series, but he originally appears looking every inch the western gunfighter, with grubby poncho, dented armour and wide leather belts. Paz Viszla is one of the first of the tribe to show the heavy rocket pack, something which Mando comments "I got to get me one of those".

For a fan of the franchise, The Mandalorian is a geeks dream, bringing back characters, ships and situations from earlier scenes to great effect, such as IG-11, the assassin droid, the Krayt Dragon and even a weird Artoo unit with limbs!

The pre-Rogue One series Andor is showing great promise too, but Mando is a definite leader.



  1. Great review Bill. That heavy Fett looks like something out of Warhammer or even Halo. Is the smaller Fett in your Foto from 1977? I've been enjoying looking at McQuarries original concept art. His early Fett designs, esp. the helmet, are fabulous and different to what it eventually became aren't they.

  2. I'm sure the small figure isn't a classic one, deffo the last 5 years, but im not sure if its a Boba concept figure or a first release Mando.
