Wednesday, 26 October 2022


Paul Adams has alerted me to the Brazilian King Kong model kit from the 1976 Kurt Russell movie. Terrivel King Kong. It features the beast from the box art on the well-known board game from the film, with Kong atop the twin towers on the lid.

The kit is listed on Scalemates, which includes a family tree. Did you have any Kong kits or toys readers?

More plastic animals to come from Paul soon.


  1. I think you mean Jeff Bridges.

    1. Indeed I do Brian! Getting my Kings and my Kongs mixed up!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/26/2022 6:08 pm

    This is the Mountain Gorilla kit, from the Revell Endangered Animals kit series. It was only released in Brazil as a King Kong model. I should imagine it is very rare today.

  3. One of the long time institutions Sydney modellers have taken advantage of is a wonderful Community Co-operative called Reverse Garbage Truck. They take junked materials from manufacturing and on-sell them at low prices to hobbyists. Everything from buttons and shampoo bottles to sheets of perspex and obsolete computers!
    (In the 90s when I was working on the Power Rangers movie, the set pieces turned up at Reverse Garbage the very next week!)

    Back in the 80s when Toltoys was still manufacturing toys for the Australian market, junk castings of things like Ewok villages could be found in the bins, to be bought by the bag full! And there, with a lot of rummaging at the bottom of the bin, I found all of the pieces to make several Kong on the Twin Towers sets!

    All gone now, yet Reverse Garbage Truck itself still exists in the same shed it has had since I was a teenager!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/27/2022 6:26 am

    Wow. Reverse Garbage Truck sounds great. All that digging through toys and kit parts in search of treasure. A fun way to spend the day.

  5. Reverse Garbage Truck sounds like scrap heaven Looey. I want to go NOW! I often wonder what's being chucked on any given day. It fills me with dread to think of the distant day my folks threw out my Colourforms Outer Space Men and every other monster and space toy I ever owned in the name of puberty. And even worse, I did nothing about it as I was too busy combing my hair in the mirror listening to T. Rex! Damn!
