Saturday, 1 October 2022

Further Glimpses of Childhood

We are still at Juniors place.

Here's the bundle on his window sill. The sarellite dish badge is from Jodrell Bank, a UK space listening post. The tin contains his milk teeth. The Tooth Fairy was broke after that lot!

Wallpaper and mobile

The local playground, a reminder of my own childhood. Cold, wintry slides and empty spaces.

Lonely distant footy fields we used to call recs, short for recreation spaces I think.

Junior's rocket launcher in the playground. His double jump technique sent the foam rockets sky high!

Did you go to playgrounds and recs as a kid readers?


  1. I did sometimes, but most of my childhood was spent wandering around derelict buildings, abandoned railway yards and totally unsecured building sites. It was great!

    1. An urban explorer eh Kev. They have their own blogs now!

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/01/2022 8:19 pm

    A visit to a park, and the swings and slides, was a rare treat for me.
    In the first photograph, the small spacecraft on the left is the Corgi Juniors Supermobile from 1979, flown by Superman. The larger plane on the right is the F-15 Eagle.

    1. Junior has inherited a lot of old Corgis and Dinkies Paul. Mostly from me off car boot sales.

  3. I have memories of my 1960s UK playgrounds, all lovingly covered in child friendly asphalt. My strongest memories are of the steel and timber roundabouts that would never pass an OH&S audit these days!
    When I came to Australia, the playgrounds were full of 1950s style multi story rocket ships made out of tubular steel.
    I was a bit too old by then to climb up the ladders and grasp the steering wheel...

    1. Sounds like a metaphor Looey.... Climb up the ladder and grasp the steering wheel. Great book title! I like it!

  4. The Supermobile craft has the arms.
    This was nice:

    But NOTHING beat this in terms of playground equipment

    1. Lord! That's such a great collection of pictures. I love the standing see saw. There's no way they'd install that now! As for the Enterprise playspace, words fail me. How utterly ace is that!
