Saturday, 3 September 2022

Toy Island's Voice Raiders: Talking Pirates Action Figures

Toy Island Manufacturing Company Limited, of Hong Kong, produced several lines of Talking Figures. Among these was a set of three pirates. The toys themselves being Made in China. The copyright date is 1991.

This time the series name is on the front of the card, while all three figures are shown on the back, along with their names.

Each figure appears to have uttered two phrases, and a gunfire sound. This time the control buttons were on the back of the figure, not on the chest. There was a cut-out in the backing card so you could try out the buttons before buying. This control panel makes the figures look as though they are wearing back-packs.

Again, a screwdriver was needed to open the battery compartment, so the three LR-44 button batteries could be replaced.

Assortment Number Asst No. 31810

31801 Capt. Claw, dressed in dark blue and white, with a tricorn hat. Phrases Dead Men Tell No Tales ! and Ha Ha Ha...!

31802 Red Beard, in striped shirt, orange trousers, and black waistcoat. Phrases Load and Fire ! Aye Aye Captain !...

31803 Evil Eye McGrub, dressed mainly in green, with an eye patch. Phrases Ahoy There Matey ! and Ho Ho Ho...! One listing mentions a gun sound effect.

As with the Monsters, they came 'Dressed for Action in Real Clothes'.

Each figure came with the same selection of three weapons: a rather modern looking rifle; what could be a bayonet; and a samurai sword ? What about a cutlass, blunderbuss, or flintlock pistol ? I assume these were standard items, common to other figures made by the firm.

I did find photos on line of one loose Capt. Claw, with a cutlass and a pistol, but these could be replacement items, and not original to the figure. The listing does not say.

A You Tube video from The Count's Toy Dungeon, looking at all three figures. The short sword or bayonet is identified as a copy of the sword included with the Mego Planet of the Apes figures. A further three figures, and a playset featuring the deck of a pirate ship with cannon, is also shown. With links to other sites.

Four photographs, all from Worthpoint.

Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. What a bizarre concept! Never saw anything like it here in the States. But they would have been collectible just for the amazing illustrations on the back of the blister packs!

  2. Charles from Canada9/04/2022 6:03 am

    Recall they made some nice Robo-Cop toys as well. Thought they were somehow related to Trendmasters Toys.

  3. They do look cool Paul. Sort of Matchbox Fighting Furies with voices. Thanks for the great info. And more from the Voices line to come!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/04/2022 11:52 am

    Thank you. Toy Island made a wide range of these talking figures, but there seem to be very few around these days - at least there are few sales listings on line. I never had any action figures as a boy, just normal toy soldiers. Anything from the 1980s or 1990s is well after my time, so I had not even heard of Toy Island until Woodsy mentioned them recently. I even had to look up the Matchbox Fighting Furies you just referred to - they would have been fun to play with.

    1. Thanks for all your efforts researching this little known series of toy lines Paul. Great stuff.
