Tuesday, 27 September 2022



Watching this video I realised that I'd seen the mural before. In fact I grew up with it in sections that were featured on and in many of my dinosaur books. Lots of familiar creatures, the brontosaurs, dimetrodons and the feeding T. Rex, I saw them all as a kid as I'm sure did.

Do you remember these images readers?


  1. I do. I do feel honour bound to point out that the Dimetrodon is no longer considered a dinosaur, but an early, mammal-like reptile that pre dated them by quite a bit. Still cool though!

    1. Next you'll be telling me Pluto isn't a planet Kev! ha ha

  2. They have been burned into my retinas since I was old enough to read.Those images live and breathe in my minds eye more realistically than animals I observe in everyday life.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/27/2022 5:09 pm

    A stunning work by a very talented and dedicated man. The work that went in to it is amazing. Thank you.

  4. Probably the most influential representation of prehistoric animals and their environment, of the 20th century.
    Copied and reworked in books, TV documentaries and Movies, up to and including 'Walking With Dinosaurs' and the 'Jurassic Park' movie series.
    A fantastic mural I'd love to see for real.

  5. Thank you for posting this, Woody. Genuinely awe-inspiring and inspirational. Not only do I find myself wondering how many artists there are alive today who could match Rudolph Zallinger's graphic artistry and technical skills, but how many organisations there are who would provide the finance and time that would allow someone to take five years to complete a piece like this?

  6. Rudolph Zallinger was my childhood dinosaur artist! My wife's was too, as well as Zdenek Burian. Both amazing artists that helped inspire us to a life of creativity.

  7. Thanks for all the comments guys, fun to read. What a great Dino mural that influenced us all it seems!

  8. Wow! I'd seen the pictures, but I had no knowledge of the story behind the mural.
    I remember seeing the pictures in dinosaur books and realizing that they would fit together and form one big painting.

    (My brother didn't believe me.)

    This is great! Thank you!

  9. Ah, the Zallinger mural. I drive by it every day on my way to work! (Peabody Museum). I also know Zallinger's daughter, who gushed on to me once about how proud her father was of that piece.

    1. What a small world Zigg! That's mad that you know his daughter!
