Sunday, 11 September 2022


Our blog friend, Will Schwartz who lives over the pond, in Tucson, is having a bit of a rough time health wise at the moment, so I reckon it won't do any harm to ask you lot to send him all our good wishes as he recovers in hospital .

Will is a big fan of the Japanese series 'Ultraman', so hopefully a couple of photos from the series should raise his spirits. 


  1. That's very concerning to hear Scoop and I send my very best wishes for a speedy recovery to our friend Will Stateside. I remember how excited I was over ten years ago when I first heard from Will, who so kindly showed me pictures of a Japanese kit that turned out to be the origin of my beloved Project SWORD Moon Ranger. Will was known as Drilldozer back then! All the very best Will and get well soon. Woodsy

  2. Best wishes of speedy recovery from Helsinki Base. Get well soon, Will.

  3. Thanks Guys. I'll past on your good wishes, it all helps to raise his spirits, cheers.

  4. Ultraman was such a terrific series, and I was so lucky that it actually aired "first run" in New York for a brief time in 1968. It was the greatest thing I ever saw on TV! I can still recall the thrill when it came on. A half hour of beautiful monsters and gorgeous miniatures every week -- too good to be true!

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/11/2022 7:16 pm

    All the best to Will. I do hope he is not out of action for too long, and can soon get back to modelling.

  6. Will - sorry to hear youre under the weather, sending my best wishes from Mars Base for a speedy return to fitness. Bill

  7. Get well soon Will.
