Thursday, 15 September 2022


I was amazed when I checked into the Prop Gallery to see which Gerry Anderson props there were available. 

The original Derek Meddings sketches are just stunning. I love the Thunderbird 6 artwork. It would have made a great Century 21 toy! I'm unsure if its ever been a kit either.

Imagine owning a drawing Derek Meddings has actually done!

The Joe 90 Snowmobile is pretty cool as well!

What do you think? What would you buy if you had the dosh?

What an fabtastic birthday prezzie an original prop would be!


  1. I bought my original Terrahawks Zeroid perch from them.

  2. I'm always stunned by the quaility of the models and props from the Anderson shows. It's amazing that so many were just carved from jelutong or balsa wood with perspex and kit and toy parts added on. In Thunderbird 6 when Brains smashes his new designs you can tell they are wood when they break. Film and Space 1999 model maker Martin Bower mentioned that the Sidewinder from Thunderbirds Pit of Peril was actually made from cardboard! Later on the major models would be made in fibreglass but even in UFO the one off models were still being made in wood. If they are still around I would love to see an interview with some of the original model making crew that goes into detail into how they were actually constructed and painted to look so realistic. Alan Shubrook's Century 21 FX book is excellent but doesn't go in to such detail other than for the awesome model buildings he built.

    1. Have you got Derek Meddings' Twenty First Century Visions Yorkie? That's pretty good especially for effects.

    2. Yeah I've got Twenty First Century Visions. Great book but it's about the FX rather than the models.
