Friday, 2 September 2022



9 minutes of pure animated Star Wars nostalgia and the first official appearance of one B. Fett!

A cartoon clip on YT from the oft-panned Star Wars Holiday Special 1978.

Do you remember watching it?

Was it shown outside of the USA?

I like this cartoon!



  1. I remember liking that cartoon so loong long ago.

    I was kind of disappointed that Boba Fett didn't turn out to be a good guy when he finally did actually appear, and that he got such a minor role. I mean, they built up the character like he was going to be the good guy version of Darth Vader. But after the buildup, they didn't do anything with him.

    Speaking of Youtube Vids and English vs American cultures, here's an odd story for you:
    My wife and I finished up watching the original Thunderbirds a few nights ago. And she saw the episode "Richochet" for the first time.

    Now, while she's an Anglophile (having gotten an internship at Kew Gardens in the 1980s) she didn't understand the whole bit about the Pirate Satellite broadcaster, so I had to explain Britain's Pirate Radio stations.

    I just played her a song that's on Youtube to illustrate the issue:

    1. Ha ha, those funky pirate stations eh! The most famous of course is/ was Radio Caroline in the Sixties off the south coast of England. There's an enjoyable movie based on it called The Boat That Rocked. Me and the Missus enjoyed it.

    2. That sounds like a fun movie! :)

      I also have a vague memory of an episode of "Danger Man" where Drake was a pirate DJ out on one of those WWII Sea Forts in the channel. I think the Sea Forts also appeared in John Pertwee Dr. Who. (I think.)

    3. Watch it! I don't recall the Danger Man episode but I reckon the John Pertwee sea fort episodes were in the Sea Devils storyline. A brilliant one too!

  2. Because I'm something of a completist (and I resent George Lucas's attempting to airbrush his own legacy) I have a bootleg DVD of the Holiday Special. I remember watching it at the time and thinking for two hours of screen time, they did an awful lot more in the movie! Rewatching it forty years later, I'd forgotten Harrison Ford made a cameo and that Donna Summer even appeared! The Nelvana animation was a lot grungier and Heavy Metal inspired than I'd recalled. It pre dates the look of the Aeon Flux cartoons by decades!
    I have the Ralph Macquarie (wonderful) boxed art collection and I had no idea he did so much pre production design for this polished ... ahem!

    1. Great memories Looey! I'd love that Ralph MaQuarry set. Such wonderful concepts.

  3. I love the Star Wars Holiday Special! I like it primarily because it shows how they were trying to market the Star Wars phenom in any way possible in those early days, and the franchise didn't take itself so damn seriously. And seeing it first-run during the year of "Star Wars Fever," was sooo much fun. But I still think the best Sci-Fi movies of 1977 were The Car and The Demon Seed - so shoot me!

  4. Never seen the Car Zigg! Read the book Demon Seed last year. Early Koontz. Chilling!
