Saturday, 10 September 2022


 The Missus and me took a trip east along the M62 today to the ancient cathedral town of Beverley in the East Riding for a day's mosey round its ancient Minstered streets and shops.

In one charity I snapped this old board game new to me, Motorway, which I believe contains road signs among other stuff. Do you remember it?

Also an old Cross Over the Bridge game by Peter Pan Playthings.

In an antiques emporium this old garage caught my eye, the sort of thing I'd have loved as a nipper. Did you have a garage?

As always vintage childrens' annuals were aplenty including Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers, both in great nick!

There was a pile of Understanding Science magazines too, a few of which I have as well in the attic. Is it a comic you recall readers?

Yet more annuals and old kids' books as well including Action and Battle.

For Your Eyes Only and Lion too, both again in super condition, a feature collectors will really appreciate.

The emporium threw up cabinets full of die-casts as I expected.

In another charity shop this LP cover jumped out on account of Pepe Jaramillo's make-up and hair-do making him a dead ringer for a Tracy brother in Thunderbirds! ha ha. What were they thinking!

and finally in another charity shop was this display of Star Wars books, which proved to me that there would be no point attempting to collect Star Wars publications, as there must be thousands of them!

One last word. I had a look at this in a charity, a novel I recognised from the 1970's by one Marshall Macao, whoever he was. 

I didn't have the K'ing Kung Fu novels but I did have the TV tie-ins to the Carradine Kung Fu TV series like this one, Chains. Did you have any readers?


  1. Great to see the paperback 'K'ing Kung-Fu Son of the Flying Tiger' with it's cover from my college friend, the late Chris Achilleos.

    1. You knew Chris Achilleos Terran? Wow, was that at art college ?

  2. Brilliant work - and I also have a few earlier versions of that book with covers by the very young Barry Smith - no "Windsor" at that time lol.

    1. I have a brill Seventies book called The Studio Mike with some wonderful stuff in it by Barry Smith [could have Windsor in it], along with Jeff Jones and Bernie Wrightson if I remember right.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/10/2022 9:01 pm

    I did have a small plastic garage, but it was only a single story, in red and yellow. I do not know Understanding Science, but I love the quad-track vehicle on the cover - that would make a great toy. I know I say this every time you have an item on charity shops, but those in Britain are amazing, and far better than those in New Zealand.

    1. Yes, its odd that the Charity shops aren't as good in NZ Paul. I wonder why. The thing you notice here is how many there are in each town. There must have been ten in Beverley, all proper shops on the high street and side streets. No idea when it all started here. I certainly never went into any in the 1970's. I think I first noticed them in the 1980's in North Wales when we lived there.

  4. I envy you your marvellous charity shop finds, there are a few charity shops around me but they aren't packed full of collectables like these, nor do we have any local jumble sales or car boots, so most of my money goes on eBay.

    I vaguely remember the K'Ing Kung-Fu books, mainly for the Chris Achilleos covers. He's a very sad loss, I met him a couple of times and got a lot of his stuff signed. His K'ing Kung-Fu covers are of course based largely on Bruce Lee publicity stills for Enter the Dragon!

    I think the tracked vehicle on Understanding Science is a Tucker Sno-Cat, and I think there have been various toys and models of it, including I think a Matchbox toy.
