Friday, 5 August 2022


I love this old Quercetti Fireball XL5 magazine advertisement. The artwork is wonderful. What do you think?


  1. Wow, does this bring back memories! I was lucky enough to get one of these, in one of my first mail-order adventures! It was advertised in the back of Boys Life magazine, a publication associated with the Boy Scouts of America, and it cost a whopping one dollar! (This was in 1965, so the Fireball fad had probably faded, and they were selling remaining inventory cheap.) I mailed my dollar on a Monday, and I got the XL5 that Wednesday! I was beside myself with joy! When I realized it was an actual flying rocket, via a strong rubber band, I could not have been happier. Even as a flying toy, the detail and accuracy were impressive. (If I recall, the toy came with two interchangeable nose cones.) I also recall I had to actually apply the decals myself, which was a thrill. I had this glorious toy for years and years...

    1. and then what Zigg! Cliffhanger! I never owned a Quercetti or the JR21 version I don't think. There are so many of those flying rockets. Quercetti made a business out of them. TORs, Atlases. XL5 was a clever addition. I think I've seen a Boys Life magazine recently at a car boot sale here. Maybe we had it in the UK. We certainly had Scouts... and cubs and Girl Guides. My Grandson's a Squirrel! He's got loads of badges too!

    2. Oh my, I have no idea when I lost track of the Quercetti XL5. I know I was very impressed with how high I could launch it with the rubber band launcher, and how well the incorporated parachute worked. I know I didn't lose it "in flight," I must have just traded it at some point for something I wanted a little more. But what a fond memory. Especially the quick postal delivery! Did you ever notice that sometimes in your life, certain things virtually fly to you, which I always took as a sign that the Universe really wanted you to have it.

  2. Sigh…I wish I could have gotten on the bandwagon
