Wednesday, 10 August 2022


As expected my lost Joe's weren't there this week. Like a drunken wasp returning to fruit I stood at the same spot I stood at last week but no Joe's. In fact no seller or certainly not the same.

I scudded round the sale two times in 35 degree heat and no GI joy. Certainly not the ten. Thinking back I wonder if they were Lanard Corps! They were very colourful. Ah well. I always forget my golden rule. Buy first time. Don't wait.

So how did I do today? Not very well I'm afraid. 500 stalls and I came home with just two paltry action figures.

Any GI Joe? We'll sort of. A single Lanard Corps figure from 1984 called Shark. I looked it up. So not actually Hasbro. How is Lanard viewed by GI Joe collectors? Canon?

The other figure was another 1984 shorty, a Princess Leia. She'll be cleaned up and presented to Junior with his other old Star Wars figs for his sith birthday next Month.

Two figures. Two pounds.

I did walk past a naked Action Man from the Sixties for a fiver. He had real hair. More vintage Star Wars figures at a fiver each couldn't stop me hunting for Joe's. I was unstoppable. I was like the Juggernaut!

So, I still have some GI Blues.

Still. The Baroness will soon be here to cheer me up!


  1. The Leai figure I got is the 1984 Combat Poncho but mine hasn't got one, a poncho. Still nice. The Shark figure is from 1986 and not 84.

  2. Sounds like Cobra kiboshed that bootie, Woodsy. Keep the faith though, old Joes are car boot regulars :)

  3. The faith is strong in this one Tone!

  4. Lanard figures (the Corps!) Are not worth any money. There are only some rare releases, but the average figure is barely worth 1 pound. If the figures in the bootsale last week were corps, maybe you did it well letting them pass.

    The corps have oversized heads, while the Joes have undersized heads. They are all marked either lanard or Hasbro, so you should have no troubles telling between one or the other.


    1. Thanks Juan. You know your Joe. You're right, they are hard to find. I went into 10 charity shops on holiday today and not a one. Having said that there were NO action figures at all in Buxton!

  5. Sorry to hear it, but its the old conundrum, you see something that grabs your eye, you have to get it right there and then, because afterwards you WILL obsess on it, and it WILL be gone the next time you go for it. I know this, because I've suffered this many times, and learned at some point that if you see something that grabs your eye....

  6. This has even happened to me, and I'm not an avid collector.
    I saw some Product Enterprises Eagle Freighters for £40 each in a model shop and passed on buying one.
    Later, I really regretted not getting one so went back a week or two later.
    Of course, they'd all gone.
    Eventually I went online, only to find they were averaging £120 each !
    Way out of my price bracket.

    1. A salutory tale Mish! Yes, it hurts!
