Saturday, 6 August 2022


I recently bought two chunky second hand plastic toy lightsabres from a Charity shop. From the early 2000's. Some of the silver paint work had come away as well as some detailing on the gold and black areas.

There's something totally Jedi about handling a lightsabre. Even a toy one like this. I think its those fabulous black ridges on the handle. They grip so well! Not as clumsy or random as a blaster!

I decided to clean up and re-touch one of them - on the left - and this is the result. An elegant weapon for a more civilised age don't you think?

Do you own a lightsabre? A Graflex handle maybe?

I wonder which was the first toy one ever released?


  1. I just slung a green one of these in the skip. They are ridiculously oversized for a childs hand!

  2. I feel a great disturbance in your skip!

  3. I scratchbuilt a fake graflex years ago.

    1. Have we seen it on Moonbase Kev?

    2. Yep, but I can send you the pics again.

  4. I worked at a toy store in 1977, and there were several cheap light sabres sold as toys from various manufacturers during the initial Star Wars craze. They ranged from pretty accurate to incredibly crude, but I bet even the cheesy ones are worth a pretty penny nowadays! We could not keep them in stock, cuz everybody had to have one!

    1. What a great job in 77 Zigg! You were there when it all kicked off, the start of the Star Wars craze! It must be have been mad! Did you expect it to go so crazy?

  5. I got caught with the classic internet bait and switch routine. I saw an ad for a lightsabre with amazing detail for an unbelievable price. Of course, when I received it, the unbelievable thing was the ad which had featured a completely different product.
    Having said that the toy which was more basic than your examples, does light up and hum in a very nice way. I have a half-scale Darth Vader figure in my home cinema, to which I've added extra robes. Some day I'll incorporate this pig in a poke into his hand!

  6. A half-scale Vader! Does he usher you to your seat Looey and serve ice cream! I like the fact that your sabre hums. Is it battery operated?
