Friday, 19 August 2022


Like looking for Jonesy I stumbled across this site looking for something else. It uncoiled from the piping and grabbed me!

I give you Hideous Plastic!

From devoted AustrALIEN superfan Phil ‘Windebieste’ Wlodarczyk this site captures the spirit of what fandom has done with its love of all things with acidic blood. There's Snaliens, boxes, books and lots of Kenner toys!

Check it out but don't dally under dripping pipes first!


  1. Yay for the Aussies! I've known Phil for decades through the SF community. His Alien based activities are pretty relevant for Moonbasers! My wife and I both have one of the original Kenner Aliens, hers still in it's tatty box!
    Mine has lost it's brain case, but hers is complete. Phil runs a side business of restoring old Kenner Aliens, so with my new technology, I must look at making a decent bonce some time soon!

    1. Losing one's braincase is a problem for us all! ha ha, I was going to say that I bet they are sold as repros those clear brain cases but you could 3D print your own!
      Where did you get your Kenners from Looey?

  2. My wife and I (before we were even an item) bought them separately at a Sydney comic shop called The Land Beyond Beyond. Scratch that, Marilyn did, mine was a present from one of my dad's photo junkets. I think he bought it in Singapore...

    1. The Land Beyond Beyond ... that's a Sinbad reference isn't it, what's spoken to the genie's bottle. What a movie! Wow, you both got a Kenner Alien each and in separate places. A Kenner coincidence! I've heard that they were being sold off cheaply in discount shops in the UK at the end of the line. Don't know if thats true.
