Saturday, 2 July 2022


Snatching some TV watching between home improvements, I've seen a few things of late.

John Carpenter's The Things always impresses. The pace is just superb. I also like the glimpses of the alien ship we get as its sat in the ancient ice sheet. I do9n't think we see all of it. Has anyone any idea what the whole ship looks like?

Me and the Missus have embarked on a Stranger Things journey together. Boarding at the start of Series 1 we have got to episode 5. Its unusual for the Missus to watch Sci Fi so I'm unsure how far we'll get watching together! Stranger fingers crossed! Are you watching?

The other Strange, the Doctor and his recent outing in the Multiverse, left me a bit bamboozled, what with all the swirls and curls of light. I got a third of the way and fell asleep. I'll catch up one day but I'm not champing at the multibit. Have you seen it?

Last but not least is Obi Wan Kenobi, the new series on Disney+. My mate Mark recommended it because I like the first 3 original Star Wars films. I gave the first episode a bash and yes, I liked it. Have you seen it readers? 

Have you seen anything of late readers?


  1. The ship in The Thing is a flying saucer Woodsy.
    We see it right at the start of the movie, briefly, flying into Earth's atmosphere, clearly out of control.

    1. and I read this comment last Mish! Doh! You told me it was at the start. Thanks!

  2. There's even a kit of it from Fantastic Plasic, apparently.

    1. I like that. Its like the Lindberg UFO, the first sci-fi model kit. I really don't recall seeing the saucer in the Thing though. It must be right at the start when I'm usually grabbing a beer from the fridge! Cheers!

  3. Sorry, 'Fantastic Plastic' !

    1. No worries Mish, it could have been worse!

  4. Me and the Missus are now on Series 2 of Stranger Things. Hope it's as good as the first.

  5. Here is the model:

    Now that approximates the saucer from the beginning of the film.

    Now, the matte paintings have two conical tubes atop the saucer…perhaps inspired by the Sputnik’s R-7 strap-on boosters:

    I think the Skotak brothers wound up with the tiny saucer…I forgot that link…
