Saturday, 30 July 2022

Signals from Space

A recent visit to a local antiques emporium brought me this lovely 1980's radio. Made by Lloytron, it could be tuned by turning the green rocket, which also acts as a switch.
Unfortunately, a previous owner had left batteries in, which had corroded the contacts and some of the circuits. Although, it no longer functions as a radio, I was able to hitch it up to an auxillary line and play cds through the little speaker, with marvellously tinny effect!


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/30/2022 10:51 pm

    That has to be the most beautiful radio ever made. A great find.

  2. That is one pretty piece of plastic!

  3. A cracking find, Bill. Such a cool design.

  4. Gorgeous colours and a neat spacey design. Superb catch that Wote. Recalls a Marx flying saucer toy.
