Tuesday, 12 July 2022


First of all I apologise if I haven't got back to readers' comments and emails over the last two or three weeks. 

A combination of house improvements, the hot UK weather and the toad work have made Woodsy a dull boy. I have been collapsing into an armchair at night desperately trying to stay awake to watch Stranger Things with the Missus.

Thankfully things have settled down now at Moonbase and carpets are being toe-tested, books restacked and rooms generally rekindled after 6 weeks turmoil. Best of all the hundreds of subsidence cracks have been dealt with and gone.

Here's one bedroom halfway and after, fresh and uncluttered. But will it stay like that!

The hallway halfway and after, full of light and little else. But for how long!

The chest of drawers in the hall still houses my small stash of Ebayable toys for raising further Project SWORD toy funds.

Now the telly room is done as well, where the comfy sofa is, my own normal Moonbase blogging service will resume soon. 

The one outstanding improvement is a full repair of the broken loft ladder. Its more or less done but until its fettled fully I can't access my toys!

In the meantime a couple of things have been happening on the Project SWORD front and I will bring you news of two vehicle rarities this summer. Once items have landed safely here in the UK and in the far North and photos have been taken I will update you.

Meanwhile frogs have taken residence in the pond, mosquitoes are out to get me and a Lancaster Bomber flew over the house momentarily taking us back to 1942 in a moment straight out of the Philadelphia Experiment!

As said me and the Missus have been Stranger Thinging and it has to be said we have binged. A Stranger Binge no less, ha ha. Tonight we sit down to Series 4! Have you been watching the monstrous town of Hawkins?

What things are happening in your neck of the woods readers? You home improving? You busy working? Busy holidaying? Busy collecting and creating?

Let us know.


  1. Thanks for the update Woodsy, great to hear that the house renovation is on the home stretch! Still busy holidaying with three weeks of fairs & car boot sales behind us, this has been like in the good old (pre-covid) days.

    1. Sounds like a ... dare I say it, a Summer of SWORD! Three weeks of collecting, now that's a holiday of dreams! Have fun Arto. Finland is the new toycopia!

  2. Here in Australia, our variable weather continues. After the bushfires of 2019, we've entered a La Nina phase so the hot dry weather has been replaced with wet wet wet! Earlier in the year the constant rain caused one of our exposed mud brick walls to crack and crumble, so we had to have a large section of wall replaced with concrete blocks. The wet continues, we had 140mm of rain overnight a few days ago.
    ...and it's winter here (Christmas in July!)

    As Confucius didn't really say, "interesting times"!

    1. Blimey, cracking walls. I know about them Looey altho it was lack of water that made our house subside - shrinking clay base! We've seen terrible floods in Sydney on the telly news here. So much rain! And we are set to bake this week! The climate's gone mad!

  3. Glad to hear you're nearly back to normal, Woodsy.
    I'm intreagued by Ash's curry house. Is it any good ?
    Have been making a Thunderbird 1 plastic kit that I picked up at Hobbycraft.
    Fiddlier than I thought !

    1. ha ha, I love Ash's and have been getting takeaways from them for years. They still accept cheques, the only business we pay cheques too now. My fave starter is Prawn Puree and for main a Jalfrezi and some Raita. the Missus likes milder fare like Korma and mixed kebab starters. Keep us posted on that TB1 kit!

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/13/2022 7:50 am

    Cold and wet in New Zealand too. It is always nice to get home, put the heater on, and have a nice cup of tea. It is good to hear that things are returning to normal for you. As my last modelling project was a vehicle, I will likely do an aircraft next - but what sort ? Time to dig through the kit stash.

    1. Blimey, sounds just like a British winter Paul. Heater, tea. I must say despite baking hot temps at the mo I'm not looking forward to our winter, the cold and ice and flu!
