Wednesday, 13 July 2022


Here's some photos of my Ideal Boaterific 'King of the Sea' Cabin Cruiser.

Mine comes in a plastic display case, plastic moulded base and carded backdrop showing a painted ocean scene.

It's held in place with a metal spring clip.

The 'King of the Sea' is one of six, and later increased to eight 'Marine Classics' motorised toy boats  brought out by Ideal during 1966/67 using their unique removable electric motor also used in their 'Motorific' Cars and 'Zeroid' Robot range.

The motor and the batteries are stowed below decks in the deep hull. This also houses the 'automatic bailer' which is designed to pump out any water resting at the base of the hull so the motor and batteries are protected from shorts.

All the Boaterific boats have lots of delicate chromed detail which is unsurprisingly prone to being damaged. Thankfully, my 'King of the Sea' is relatively intact as far as I can see, with only a slight repair to the stern flag pole.

More Boaterific tomorrow, shipmates!


  1. I like these. Are you ever tempted to give them a float?

    1. You know, I have to admit I am, Kev!

  2. Like the Zeroids, this is about the ultimate in presentation packaging! Everything seems extra special when it's under a crystal dome! Contemporary toy collectors are bemoaning the "death of plastic" as Hasbro and soon Mattel will eliminate anything other than cardboard in their packaging. I just bought a new Transformer which was peeking out of an open hole in his box!

    I can't wait to see more Boateriffic posts!

    1. I've got a few more about to enter the harbour, Lewis.; )

  3. I can see why its the King of the Sea Scoop. It looks stupendous. What a toy boat!

  4. The colors on this one are just perfect!
