Saturday, 25 June 2022


I try to keep the tradition of sending cards going. Birthday cards especially. But its sometimes hard to remember to do it in time, sometimes expensive for what you get and then you have to have a stamp. I've a big family so I've had a lot of practice with all ths!

Now and then, when I'm feeling creative, I make my own cards. Usually a drawing or some text on the cover using a Rotring pen. But you have to be in the mood to put in the effort.

Sometimes I'll stick a Yorkshire tea bag in the envelope for a bit of fun too. Always good to have a cuppa when reading a card!

In this 'smart' age its tempting to just send a Birthday message by text. Maybe an Emoji or two as well. But I still think a card landing on the mat is more personal. Maybe more old fashioned. Something to put on the mantlepiece for a couple of days.

Do you still send or receive Birthday cards readers? Any memorable ones?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/25/2022 12:19 pm

    I only have a few friends, so I only send out a few cards at Christmas, and for Birthdays. I always enjoy getting a card. Yes, more personal.

  2. At four years of age my grandson can not read but can still enjoy dinosaurs pictured on birthday cards. He is also encouraged to make birthday cards for friends and family.

    In the US the choices of printed cards seems to be reduced as manufacturers give in to electronic cards being sent rater than through the mail.

    1. Home made cards are the best I agree with your Grandson!
