Saturday, 12 February 2022


 I've been photographing the insides of some Century 21 Toys Project SWORD toys for a reader.

One was the fabulous Zero-X.

Here's the outer box.

The inner packaging.

The contents [not original inner packaging].

The white Supremo badge in its tissue.

The inside of the MEV.

The workings of the motor.

This long metal piece with a black plug popped out. Its attached to a wire. Unsure what it is.

The same for this long strip with an eye hole. Again wired. No idea what this is. It maybe linked to the above.

There's also a hole on the inside and a corresponding hole on the baseplate beneath the top left screw. What's that for? oil?

Any ideas?


  1. I wonder if those wired bits are a way of getting the engine lights to flash by using the rotation of the motor in some way?

    1. Could well be Kev. Have you got one?

    2. I have, actually, I've got two main bodies! I made a remote for the second one, it still works.

    3. Wow! How did you make a remote Kev?

  2. Component box with battery clips inside, a two-way switch, and I made a plug by narrowing one that I already had. It doesn't look the part (it's just a black box), but it works.

  3. How weird! they are wired up and look like a contact of some sort ...are there possibly cams on some wheels?

    1. I wonder of they came loose when I opened the motor unit?
