Saturday, 5 February 2022

The Sounds of the Weird-Ohs and Silly Surfers LP Records


                The Sounds of the Silly Surfers and the Weird-Ohs was a 1964 vintage LP by Mercury Records with six songs on each side inspired by the Hawk Silly Surfers and Weird-Ohs plastic kits. A total of 27:15 of pure weirdness. This item from You Tube offers the entire record for your listening pleasure.

The Sounds of the SILLY SURFERS and the WEIRD-OHS (full album) - YouTube

There is also a song featuring Leaky Boat Louie, which is not on the longer record.

Weird-Ohs - "Leaky Boat Louie" - YouTube

There were 12 Weird-Ohs kits in total, and there does seem to be a Weird-Ohs only record with a song for each character. This just shows the album cover. - New Sounds of the Weird-ohs '64 LP Record Hawk Model NM - auction details

There was a much later compilation CD called That California Sound, released in 2013. This item lists the songs on the CD, all 12 Weird-Ohs, but not the Silly Surfers.

That California Sound (2013, CD) - Discogs

I am very sorry if your brain melts listening to these.

The image of the album cover is from You Tube.

Paul Adams from New Zealand

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