Sunday, 20 February 2022


Here are a few names from the past that I have wrestled from the ether of my farthest and foggiest brain crannies. 

I haven't looked them up at all so what I've put is the very scant info I remember about them, which could very well be wrong! I'm sure you remember more readers! Please let us know, but no googling if you can help it!

Paddy Clark [or is it Hopkirk?]: Monte Carlo rally driver, famous for his mini. I think I had a Dinky die-cast version of it.

Charlie Drake: one of the original Sixties comedians. He had a small breathy voice and wispy hair. I remember him in a TV show called The Worker.

Peter Gordino: a handsome dancer who my Mum fancied. A feature of Saturday night variety shows. He may have been in UFO?

Kathy Kirby/ Sandy Shore: I get these two lady singers mixed up and can say virtually nothing else.

Nana Moskuri: Greek or Czech lady singer famous in the Sixties and Seventies. She had her own TV show and long black hair. She wore glasses too.

Freddy Laker: airline magnate. May have had a famous plane, Skybus?

Annie Nightingale: the prog rockers' totty. I was in love with Annie when she presented the Old Grey Whistle Test, her raspy voice entranced me!

Dennis Gifford: comics expert. He may have been on the telly. I get him mixed up with the guy that presented It'll Be Alright on the Night, who's name I forget!

Ben Guerin: may have got the name wrong. Israeli General who wore an eyepatch. On the news in the Sixties and early Seventies.

Tom Conti/ Barry McGuigan - two British boxers often in the public eye. Conto was on the cover of Band on the Run I think.

Powers Boothe: he was a tough guy soldier in Southern Comfort. He resurfaced in the Avengers much older. Someone else looks like him too.

Lucilla Ball: explosive American comedienne. Starred in TV's I Love Lucy.

Millicent Martin: I get her mixed up with Lucille Ball.

Rowan and Martin: American comics and presenters of TV's Laugh-In, which I watched with my folks on Saturday night.

Pearl and Dean: the makers of cinema adverts, who's ads showed throughout the Sixties and Seventies. The theme tune was memorable.

Olga Korbet/ Nelly Kim: Rumanian gymnasts who scored perfect 10's at the Olympics.

Lena Zavaroni: Greek? singing teenager, who took the world by storm. With what I don't know.

Geoffrey Wheeler: nothing but the name!

That's it for now. Anything you can add readers, without googling?


  1. Peter Gordeno first skydiver commander , his sister was kidnapped and killed by the aliens in identified.Was a singer on saturday night tv shows back in the day.

    1. aha, Gordeno. I thought I'd spelt it wrong Tony. Don't recall him singing but he must have been an all-rounder and very with it. Thanks Tony.

  2. Nana mouskouri greek singer
    Still going....

    1. Spelt that wrong too. See her LP's in charity shops all the time. can't believe she's still going! Thanks Tony.

  3. Without Lucille Ball, we wouldn't have had Star Trek, her production company, Desilu, was the only one prepared to give it a go!

    1. Really? What's the Desi bit mean Kev? Any idea?

  4. Desi arnaz and Lucille ball
    Husband and wife production
    Company desi/lu see what they did there.

    1. Wasn't one of the Monkeys an Arnaz? Probably not knowing me!

  5. Kathy Kirby - Blonde pop singer with a beauty spot who had her own TV show.
    Sandie Shore - Pop singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest in '66 or '67 with Puppet On A String. Always sang barefoot for some reason.

    1. Anita Harris and Lindset de Paul had beauty spots too Mish I think. Very fetching.

  6. Freddie Laker - Started cheap trans Atlantic flights with his SkyTrain service.
    Flew to the U.S. on one in 1982, but his company was elbowed out by the big airlines and went bust whilst I was out there. Had to fly back with British Airways from Canada, where some of my family lived.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. US in 82! Big Hair and big cars eh Mish?

  7. ha ha what a diverse list. Charlie Drake was famous in the early sixties as a comedian on film and tv. I saw him in Aladdin panto on Liverpool Empire in the early seventies. Dude with the eyepatch was Moshe Dyan, every inch a Bond villain lookalike. Lena Zavaroni won Opportunity Knocks and immediately got under my skin as a precocious singing kid in god awful frocks. My dad liked Nana Mouskouri and a french lass called Marie Mateure or something. Freddy Laker was one of the first to start package holidays. He was an entreprenure and I have a set of his magnetic Laker Cubes, which were a bit of a bandwagon take on the Rubiks craze

    1. I think I remember Marie Mateure altho I maybe thinking of Edith Piaf Wote. She sang Rien. It means nothing to me ( like what I did there!)

  8. Gillian Anderson did an amazing portrayal of Lucille Ball and David Bowie in Neil Gaimans American Gods tv series.

  9. I think Geoffrey Wheeler was the quiz master on the TV school quiz 'Top of the Form'.

    1. MJ Southcoast base2/20/2022 8:57 pm

      Charlie Drake sang "My boomerang won't come back "

    2. Top of the Form! Yes Mish!

    3. Funny song title that MJ!

  10. Wotan is right. The Israeli eye patch guy was Moyshe Dyan.
    I think you're thinking of David Ben Gurian, who I believe was Isreal's first president or leader.

    1. Cheers Mish. Was there a 6 day war I seem to recall?

  11. Millicent Martin was on 'This Was The Week That Was' with David Frost et al. She later did lots of variety type shows (singer).

    Powers Boothe was in the original 'Red Dawn' with Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen and the bloke from 'UFO'.

    1. Know of That Was The Week but dont recall it Dave. Never seen Red Dawn. Thanks for the info.

  12. Charlie Drake was on TV in the 50's in a double act of slapstick called "Mick & Montmorency" he was partnered by Jack Edwards who I saw live on stage at Butlins Holiday Camp, Clacton in 1955. The TV show was live back then and I think it was an episode of that show when Drake was thrown off the set through a window but broke a limb or was knocked unconscious leaving Edwards standing there stumped for something to do to end the sketch. I'll now have to Google that to see how good my memory is!

    "Hello My Darlings" was Charlie Drakes catch phrase.

    1. I remember that catchphrase Terran! Said in a very soft voice. He goes further back than I thought.

  13. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/21/2022 4:55 am

    According to The Great Book of Corgi, it was Paddy Hopkirk who won at Monte Carlo in a Mini. Corgi did a die-cast version. There was a racing driver called Jim Clark.
    I think it is Sandie Shaw, rather than Shore.
    Kathy Kirby did the Adam Adamant theme song.
    Perhaps Dennis Norden ?
    The Israeli General with the eye-patch was Moshe Dayan.

    1. Paddy Hopkirk! Thanks Paul. Dennis Nordern yes! Pity it was Shaw. Shore would have been funny. Maybe thats why she was barefoot, a sandy shore?

  14. Charlie Drake later went on to great success with sitcom "The Worker" - an unemployable twerp forever sending Labour Exchange clerk "Mr Pugh" (Henry Maher) into a furious rage. He made a handful of rather funny films in the 60s and also won the coveted Golden Rose of Montreux award.
    John Conteh was a Liverpudlian boxer who found success in the 70's and joined Lewis Collins on his charity fundraising march across the UK - I've a feeling he may also have been on the roster of male sports stars (along with Henry Cooper and Kevin Keegan etc) endorsing Brut aftershave ?


    1. Damn autospell - that should've read Henry MAGHEE lol


    2. I remember The Worker on telly. Dud he wear dungarees Fenton? Wonder if he'd be funny nowadays? Patrick Maghee was funny. He was in Benny Hill wasnt he? Only recall Enery Cooper splashin it all owver! I do like Brut. And Old Spice! Ha ha

  15. I love Old Spice - still wear it on occasion. Brut was relaunched with Vinnie Jones as the front man, never took off though, makes you smell like a tarts handbag.

    1. MJ Southcoast base2/21/2022 9:42 pm

      You gotta see Bruce Campbell in the Old Spice advertising from a few years ago

    2. MJ Southcoast base2/22/2022 10:23 pm

      Aye! I'll email you some yootoobs!
