Friday, 11 February 2022


 The Remco 'Firebird 99' Sportscar dashboard toy which came out in 1959 seems to have gone through a few different coloured incarnations providing a toy dash for Batman, The Green Hornet and even The Land Of The Giants! 

I wouldn't be surprised if there's probably a few more out there.

Another piece of Remco recycling is the Land of the Giants, Space Sled which is clearly their earlier Supercar toy

The Green Hornet naturally gets a green makeover.

Here's a variation on my theme. When it comes to dashboards my money's on the Playmobile Dash, which turned up as part of the control cabin set in Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's Stingray.


  1. Great post Scoop, lovely dashes of plastic! I had a steering wheel toy as a kid with a lever and a bellow horn. I don't think it was Remco 'cos it could stick onto the car in some way at the back seat of my Dad's motor - maybe on the window or the back of the front seat! The Remco dash looks ace. I remember that Stingray dash being recreated by modeller Duncan Willis a few years back too

    1. Your car dash might have been a Remco, Woodsy, they did do one with a gear lever on the right, not sure about the bellow horn, though.

  2. They're all impressive and exciting sets. Some I've not seen before. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favourite between The Green Hornet, Batman or Land of the Giants. Lovely article, Scoop

  3. I had a “Firebird 99” when I was a little girl. I loved that toy and had so much fun “driving” to all my favorite places!
