Monday, 7 February 2022


 Another item of Space: 1999 merchandise; the board game from Omnia which is dated 1974.

Although I'm not particularly a board game player, I still remember seeing this on sale at my local Boots store and being impressed with the cover artwork.

It would have certainly come out well before the series aired, so I probably didn't notice that the space helmets were white rather than yellow.

I should admit I never bought the game at the time, and picked this example up not that long ago for just 0.99p, purely for the cover art.

The board, which is in two halves and slots together,

Reading the instructions ,the object of the game is to obtain supplies of Meta energy using Eagles to enable the player to return to Earth, however one player is nominated to be the Guardian of Meta whose aim is to stop the Eagles from getting the precious energy!

Disappointingly, the game pieces are just coloured counters rather than tiny Eagles!

Here's an advert for the game that appeared in Look -In.


  1. Interesting stuff Scoop. I never had this game but like you picked up one or two second hand over the years, which I sold on eventually. I did like the box art too but like you thought the game contents were underwhelming.

    1. Yes, like most board games they're fairly common and usually complete as they probably get put away and forgotten about, once it's been played!;)

  2. Hi!

    Here you have the little Eagles too: "Spazio: 1999", by Clementoni (Italy, 1976)

    1. Thanks Anonymous, nice. Sadly, that game doesn't turn up much in the UK. I think there's also a Milton Bradley American board game too.

    2. Hi SCOOP! :-)

      Yes, The MB "Space: 1999" game is this one: .

      It has some Eagle cardboard cut-out "standee" as playing pieces:

      BTW: if you want I could have a couple of the Clementoni's game 3D Eagle playing pieces ( to sell.

      How is your bank about 10-years loans? >:-) :-D ;-)
