Saturday, 22 January 2022

Parker, Well Done

Just been to a local 'antiques' emporium (or as my wife calls it - posh car boot stalls) in Bygone Times. Originally it sold architectural salvage and vintage goods, but has recently become a large curio store with a mix of vintage and second hand goods. I would hesitate to say antiques, but there are some stalls inside with items which could be classed as antique.

In one corner is a stand with a lot of recent Anderson memorabilia and the odd bit of vintage ware too. High up on the wall hangs what seems to be a FAB1 Pedal Car, or possibly a smaller 'ride on' vehicle from a roundabout. Its  been there years and isn't priced, so I assume it belongs to the stallholders display.

Amongst the other stalls were all kinds of other 'collectables', mostly catering to the grey pound - lots of wartime memorabilia, books, stamps, postcards, tools etc. One or two toy stalls with vastly inflated prices for the older items too. 
Not much to interest me, apart from a few diecasts, a space book and a nice wooden totem pole. I also saw a nice sixties paint box with a large space scene on the tin, but at £25, left it where it was.

To add to the vintage feel, there are a lot of penny slotmachines which can be operated, like the gypsy fortuneteller  and odd animated tableaus like 'haunted house', 'The Burglar' and 'The Mediums Parlour'.



  1. I saw that Fab1 around the back of the building well over 10 years ago, it was marked not for sale then.

  2. what do you think it is Kev?

  3. I thought a fairground roundabout ride but I don't really know.

  4. I enjoyed the review, Bill. I love wondering around these places.

  5. Great looking place Wote. Lots to oggle. Love that FAB1 too! Is Botany Bay still a vintage place too?

  6. What did the haunted house scene do?
