Saturday, 1 January 2022


 The Missus and I spent a happy day on Thursday rummaging in the charity and vintage shops scattered around festive Harrogate town centre here in Yorkshire.

One shop of note was Space, a vintage and retro specialist store crammed full of Sixties and Seventies bric a brac.

This is just the entrance area.

As I'm always looking for Project SWORD badges this pile drew me in. No SWORD but I could see ET and Stingray.

Whilst in Space I bought a nice red Superfast truck, which just needed a tiny bit of paint touching-up using my new acrylic paint pens I got for Xmas from Wotan. Whilst doing that I got stuck into some of the old die-casts I got over December.

I now have a good stock of paint pens and sharpies. Reds, blues, blacks get the best results. Yellow and orange remain tricky and I haven't yet got the right shades for all the yellows and oranges that Dinky and Corgi used back then.


  1. I'd love to spend quality time rummaging around those vintage shelves. Great find, Woodsy... and happy new year :)

  2. and a happy 2022 to you and yours to Tone. Stay safe and prosper - blimey, I sound like Spock! ha ha
