Friday, 7 January 2022


               It seems more and more girls are now collecting what were once considered boys toys, including die-casts. I have just discovered  a series on You Tube called Girlslovescars (yes, I did spell that correctly). 

The young lady (German ?) does various videos, mainly on Hot Wheels, including how to restore or repaint models. This one is on a method of displaying models in photo frames. Although she is using Hot Wheels, this should work for any type of toy or model. 

The only problem I can see is that over time the models may drop off the displays, especially given the weight of die-cast models, so best not to hang them on a wall, but display them on a shelf perhaps. The finished result certainly looks good.

Paul Adams from New Zealand 

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating Paul. Its amazing what people do with small cars. A very creative lady and I liked those pictures she made.
