Saturday, 29 January 2022


Everyone knows about the smooth / ribbed roof [on the Dinky SHADO2 Mobile], but on the early castings of the chassis, at the rear there are two pillars that connect to the Main Body.

On both these chassis pillars there are six drilled holes (see enclosed pics) . These pillars do not connect flush to the main body at the back doors.
On later castings, this drilled pillar chassis was deleted and a smooth solid pillars chassis was used, with both pillars joining flush to the main body at the back doors. (see pics)

I guess the drilled pillar chassis was only for the first casting run, as in my 30 plus years of collecting & attending fairs I have only come across 5 or 6 with this feature.

I have both types in my collection, & I can only assume Dinky changed the design as perhaps the die would wear out quicker, by being more intricate, having it smoother would be simpler & having the pillars flush to the body would perhaps give more strength to the toy ??

As best I can recollect, & viewing my own, this drilled pillar chassis was only ever with the brick red/brown roller wheels - my version has the ribbed roof.

1st 2 pics courtesy of "Dinky TV"

Cheers !


1 comment:

  1. Mine is the one with the holes. I got it for Christmas the year it came out and I've still got it today!
