Saturday, 4 December 2021


Do you think mainstream TV will vanish like the household phone has done?

Small kids watch the childrens' channels like CBBC in the UK but I doubt any older kids watch anything in front of the front room television. Its all Netflix and You Tube on their consoles.

If they aren't watching now then they won't watch as they grow up. Will we see the end of BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and 5?

What do you think is happening where you are readers?


  1. IMHO it'll still be around for a few more years but streaming is the future. The mainstream channels will remsin but technology has moved on and eventually everyone will be internet connected. At that point the TV licence fee tax will definitely have to go as people will be able to choose not to watch or listen to the BBC. Even landlines are due to be phased out and everyone will have to use a mobile phone. Progress.

    1. A stark warning for TV execs there Yorkie! Maybe the TV as the centrepiece of the living room is history too! We still have one and its on a lot I must say as me and the Missus watch our crime box sets and the News together at night. I tend to watch films on my laptop now with earphones. My Missus isn't keen on films and certainly not the stuff I watch!

    2. Hi Yorkie, a reader has left you a really nice reply on a really old post from 2009! Check out Richard K's comment here and maybe reply?

  2. I tried watching regular TV a few weeks ago and the onslaught of commercials was horrifying. I really do my best to avoid annoying scattershot advertising like that.
    I'd rather pay a fee to be rid of it.

    1. Scattershot, I love that word Knobgobbler. Its strange, some of the most memorable TV moments of my childhood were some fantastic commercials. Not so now I'm 60, like you I find them totally annoying. Youngsters nowadays will have the same on You Tube I'm sure. Alas the internet is going the same way with adverts that seem to topple over each for our attention. Newspaper websites are really bad for this.

  3. Take a walk in the evening and every house you pass that doesn't have curtains or blinds drawn are lit up by a TV roughly the size of a football pitch. I think tv will be around for a bit yet.

    1. ha ha, yes I've noticed that too Kev! Not many Christmas trees up in the windows yet though. Its a bit early.

  4. I must admit I rarely watch the BBC, maybe for the news. I can't remember when I last watched anything on ITV. I tend to watch the nostalgia channels; Talking Pictures, Forces TV, and occasionally ITV4. I'll watch the odd action film on Netflix or Amazon, but not that much.

    1. I like Talking Pictures too Scoop. They have a Cellar Club package on late at night introduced by one Caroline Munro. Three old classic creepy films in a row. Alas its too late for me nowadays but it gives the Horror channel a run for its money. They show too many brand new rubbish films.

  5. I think streaming platforms will be the future. Its got to the stage with us at home, only a small amount of shows we watch are from 'Live' sources.

    On Friday and Saturday nights for instance everything we watch is stuff that either comes from American platforms which we can access, Netflix, Amazon or my own extensive archived TV/DVD collection. Friday starts off with a early B&W episodes of The Saint. Me and the Misses enjoy the vintage TV much more. Its not Preachy, not PC and definitely not Woke.

    Alf Garnett and Till Death Us Do Part is hilarious and I'm lucky enough to have many of the early episodes - The Snowflakes go into meltdown at the mere mention of his name. Yet watching it you can see it completely discredits Mr Garnets whole attitude. When I first saw it as a Seven-Year-Old, I got it then that he was a figure of ridicule. But for some reason, the PC Brigade just couldn't see it.

    Ahh well, Me and the Misses are free to vote with our feet, so we do.

    1. Sounds like you've got it 'taped' Bill! I used to enjoy The Saint as well, the one with Roger Moore and not the Ian Ogilvy series.
