Sunday, 5 December 2021


 An interesting cover on a Space 1999 colouring book showing retracted legs on the Eagle.

I believed this was an original design intention, but ultimately dropped as it made the side view of the ship look too narrow.



  1. Lovely artwork Scoop. I like that streamlined look.

    1. I really like this slightly different rendition of the Eagle. Its like a concept painting.

  2. Spot on buddy - the landing legs were originally retractable and some of the Charlton comics produced at the time showed them this way so I guess they must have been created in advance of the series being aired. The original Chris Foss Eagle design had them retracted as well if memory serves. I think the original intent was for them to be able to land on Earth as well as operate in space so it would make sense for legs to be tucked out of the way during re-entry but given the overall design it was always a mystery to me how it flew in an atmosphere in the first place - must have been like trying to fly a brick.

    1. Thanks for that confirmation, Anon. Like you say though, in reality flying an Eagle in an atmosphere must have been difficult, although they probably had some anti gravity gizmo on board to make things easier:)

      I did like the Charlton comics, I liked it that they even included a squadron of Hawks on Alpha in a couple of stories!

  3. Nice art! Has a real Bob McCall vibe to it!

    1. Yes, I can see what you mean, Lewis.
