Friday, 3 December 2021



As a nipper I worshipped Instant Whip. Bird's had struck gold with this powdered pudding. I couldn't get enough of it. Creamy, dreamy and especially flavoursome when served in a glass like the one shown. 

I think chocolate, butterscotch and maybe raspberry where my fave flavours. Bird's did great powdered custard, which we still get, but Instant Whip was in a league of milky pudding all on its own.

Such a pity its no longer available don't you think readers? It would make a great Xmas treat!

Which milky puds did you have as a kid?


  1. I do remember Instant Whip, but don't remember Butterscotch flavour. Think I would have loved that one.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/03/2021 10:28 am

    I am not familiar with Bird's Instant Whip, but here in New Zealand there was something along the same lines. Gregg's Instant Pudding. In to a bowl of cold milk, pour in the powered pudding mix, stir with an eggbeater, and allow to set. Once it had set, it needed to be eaten fairly quickly, or it would revert back to a liquid. There was a good range of flavours available at one time, but this is now much reduced.

    1. Oddly enough Greggs is massive brand here in the UK, a chain of sandwich shops which are everywhere Paul.

  3. Butterscotch instant whip was my favourite as a child. Would love to be able to try it as an adult.
