Tuesday, 30 November 2021


Moonbase personnel and Junior had an exciting morning yesterday watching tree surgeons fell our three fifty foot poplars. They had to come down as Moonbase has subsided a little where they've drank the soil dry.

Junior had his Golden Nuggets stationed at a special table so he could watch the tree surgeon climb the trees and start chainsawing. He was in awe and thought the tree guy was spiderman!

Seeing the excitement on Junior's face got me thinking about Action Man for some reason. Had there ever been an Action Man tree surgeon set? I don't recall one. I do remember creating my own around 1986 for my toddler daughter to play with using some action dolls and belts. Barbie was a natural at climbing the settee. Ken just stared!

Looking through the interweb I found one action doll lumberjack. Big Josh from the Big Jim line. For some reason he's just dressed in flimsy denim summer wear. I think he's camping rather than lumberjacking as he's only got a hand-axe. You can see Josh top right in this Big Jim catalogue ad. Rugged seemed to be the look Mattel were going for with Big Jim and his pals.

Oddly enough, the plastic log Josh is splitting in half was one I found loose years ago at a German car boot sale. I think Big Jim was quite big there. Took me ages to ID the log, along with some other camping stuff I got.

Have you ever had any lumberjack or tree surgeon toys and games readers?


  1. I think Big Josh is definitely camping Woodsy, and, by the look of it, so are his Muscle Beach chums and the rest of the Village People !

  2. were there tree fellers, or just the two of you?

    1. Very droll! Actually there were three on the chipper and one doing all the climbing and sawing. No-one had a red checked fleecy shirt on either!
