Friday, 22 October 2021


Being a Superhero film fan I saw that Netflix was showing virtually all of the Marvel Spiderman films. The last time I checked in on the webslinger was probably Toby McGuire's stint 20 years ago, the first and the one were his suit is Venomised.

For old time's sake I re-watched Toby's output, 1 and 3. Kirsten Dunst is a plausible Mary Jane and the Green Goblin family - Dafoe and Franco - are not bad at all. 

Being a fickle controller I skipped Toby's 2nd film to sample more modern Spiders, the Tom Holland catalogue in Netflix. I have to admit I turned it off. I just couldn't watch it. The actor Tom Holland looks and acts about 10 years old and realising that this would be the real target age for the movie I watched something else.

I'm just too old for Spider-Man maybe.

There's another burst of Spidey films in between McGuire and Holland but I forget the young actor's name. Wasn't he Anakin Skywalker in a Star wars flick? Are they any good?

Maybe I'll give these later Spidermen another blast when Moonbase Junior wants to watch long movies. He's only 5.

Which is your favourite Spidey readers?

1 comment:

  1. MJ Southcoast base10/22/2021 4:01 pm

    I recommend Spider-Man - into the spider-verse, visually stunning and a lot of laughs too with some genuine heart too
