Saturday, 2 October 2021


Having been to Moonbase Junior's second 5th birthday party today, one outside for his mates and their parents, we came home full of Hot Wheels cake and quite pooped.

I settled down to watch a film called Next with Nic Cage. The premise was interesting. Nic could foresee two minutes into his future every two minutes. Not much leeway really. I did wonder if Nic had been in a similar film about numbers?

Alas I fell asleep after 10 minutes and Nic didn't see that coming.

I got to thinking about being able to see two minutes into the future. Its not much and not enough, say, to escape a large explosion or do anything about a sinking ship I wouldn't have thought. Rather sadly the two minutes will also include foreseeing one's own demise, which is a real downer.

I have yet to watch most of Nic's film but what would you do with this ability readers? Is it overall a pain in the backside?


  1. How long does it take to purchase a lottery ticket?

  2. Sorry to say, I don't do Nicholas Cage, but one of the classic films dealing with that very same premise is The Atomic Man from 1955, with Gene Nelson and Faith Domergue (aka Timeslip) in which a man exposed to radioactive isotopes gains the power to see about seven seconds into the future! Not much you can do with that, I guess, but the film is definitely worth a look. (And I'll watch even wallpaper dry if it has Faith Domergue in it...)

    1. Not seen that Zigg. Its on my winter list of films to watch now!
