Thursday, 7 October 2021



These guys arrived at Junior's house on his birthday.

Playmobil Mars Mission and Masters of the Universe.

That space station could almost be Triang SpaceX!

Do you have a space station?


  1. I've got part of the actual filming miniature of the Charles de Gaulle space station from Star Cops and the jr21 and konami Thunderbird 5. That might be it unless you count the Nuclear Pulse in the spacex space station set.

    1. That Star Cops station looks amazing Kev. have you a single pod or the full array? The JR21 T5 is a class act. Konami too. Just as classy is the Nuke Pulse Space Station yep. That's 4 ticks! Judging by the Mars Mission station by Playmobil, which is on the surface, I guess that the SpaceX Moon Base HQ is a space Station too?

    2. Just the one pod but it is the one with the name!

    3. Wow! Thanks for the pics Kev! A proper prop! Looks like a sort of protein powder bottle with those ribbed rings. It reminds me of the pill-shaped craft in SOLO Sword

  2. Do I have a space station... I live in one!

  3. I have the Lindberg/Glencoe "Nuclear Space Station" model, which Moonbase Central has kindly featured before, and also the extra-cool Entex Space Station aka Eidai Space Wheel from the Japanese anime, Battle of the Planets. And of course, the original Thunderbird 5! Proud of 'em all! I had the Lindberg Space Probe Space Station too, but never managed to build it before I sold the kit on ebay.

    1. Station to Station Zigg! Fantastic! You never hear much about SkyLab anymore do you, the pioneering early ISS. Maybe it just didn't catch the public's imagination?
