Saturday, 11 September 2021

Top Gun Maverick News

Hey Woodsy,

I've bad news and some good news regarding Top Gun Maverick.

The bad: As you may recall, it was originally set to be released on July 12, 2019 but it was pushed back to allow the production to work out all the complex flight sequences. Then Covid hit, so further pushbacks of the release date happened. Now the release date has been pushed back from Thanksgiving of 2021 to May 27, 2022. I feel the movie will flop as all the initial excitement has been lost for the film and people will be saying "didn't this already come out?" once it is out.

The delays also mean we may never see more waves of the Matchbox toy line. So no more pegs with the 5 pack of vehicles ($9.99 IIRC) that had 4 cars/trucks and an undersized jet. No pegs of movie planes ($5.99 IIRC). A bit of bad news for those who were wanting to snag a Darkstar.

But never give up hope!

The good news: The 5 packs are back, as are the planes! For whatever reason, in August 2021, the 5 packs started showing up on Target's pegs only now they are part of the case pack of 5 pack sets. Now you can snag them for $5.99 and they are still in the Top Gun Maverick packaging. The movie planes have been moved into the Matchbox Sky Busters line. Still with the Top Gun Maverick card backer, only now priced at the Sky Busters price of $2.99. I snagged a couple right off the pegs a few days back at a near by Wal-mart.

Good hunting to those who want them!

Houston Base

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