Sunday, 5 September 2021


We're considering one of these see-through body toys for Junior for this year's birthday. See-through AND squishy!

I loved stuff like this as a kid. I did a post on a Renwal plastic body kit where I work a while back.

Adding to the innards of this subject Paul from NZ has sent in his own thoughts made visible for everyone!

          To go with those Visible Man and Visible Woman kits by Renwal and others, how about a Transparent Roswell Alien ? 

The kit is by Lindberg, and stands some 19 or 20 inches tall, and was originally released in 2007. The outer body is moulded in clear plastic, allowing the skeleton and internal organs to be seen.

 The organs are made from soft plastic. It is a companion kit to the Roswell UFO, but in a larger scale. This You Tube clip shows the model parts, while the box photo is from Amazon.

Lindberg Transparent Roswell Alien Figure Model Kit Review - YouTube

Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. I loved all those old anatomy kits! I had an Ear,Nose and Throat set. I also had a giant cell, a visible frog and several visible men and women.
    Heck, I still have a visible Giraffe and several visible giant robots!

    1. As Sherlock said Alimentary my dear Watson! ha ha What on earth are visible giant robots Looey?

  2. So have you figured out the difference between 'transparent' and 'translucent', just in case he asks?

    1. Translucent? me? its as clear as mud.
