Saturday, 25 September 2021


I've just been skimming over the long Wiki page about missing Dr.Who TV episodes. My head's spinning like a Dalek on ice! Its a fascinating and convoluted tale of chance and passion as the missing episodes have been searched for across the globe over the many decades and fortunately with some success.

A chap called Ian Levine seems to have been the springboard for early finds in the late 70's and 80's and there's an amazing tale about two BBC staffers buying episodes off each other and giving one or two of them to Ian Levine as they were part of the lost! 

I do love stories like this as many people must do as well judging by the numbers of documentaries and TV segments there have been on the subject. There's even one called The WOTAN Assembly about retrieving that particular series. I haven't seen it.

Finding missing TV reminds me of finding missing toys. I imagine finding anything at all thats been missing is just as exhilarating.

Have you been involved in looking for the missing Dr.Who episodes readers or indeed any missing artefact?


  1. Wotan assembly! Ill do them for copyright infringement! There were a lot of original recording tapes discovered in someones loft a while ago, including rare Troughton episodes.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/25/2021 11:01 am

    I have a book called Wiped ! Doctor Who's Missing Episodes, by Richard Molesworth, Telos Publishing, 2010. It goes in to great detail on the missing episodes, and the recovery of those that have been found. 480 pages. Well worth reading.

    1. Sounds like a fascinating read Paul!
