Monday, 30 August 2021


As a sort of test of the interweb I googled a toy of something unusual. 

I thought of an old black and white episode of the Twilight Zone I loved about the Devil imprisoned in a castle. It was called The Howling Man.

Lo and behold, a toy there was! 

An action figure of the Devil no less! From the very same episode! I was amazed!

With little confidence that I can out-google the net I then tried another bit of TV toy devilry, namely The Satan Pit from Dr. Who. 

Not much of a challenge I feared. Dr. Who fans would want this as a toy for sure!

Yep, I was right! 

Its a boxed set with a capsule and a Tennant! No devil though I don't think. Anyone got one?

My final google devil challenge worked though!

Is there a model or toy of the alien Satan-like figure from the book Childhood's End? 

Result! Nope. There isn't. At least I couldn't find one. You?

Which google toy challenge would you set?

Find a ........?


  1. For me the most fascinating creatures are those left for imagination. Seeing the alien from Childhood's End would ruin it for me.

    For the same reason I have evaded all films, comics and other visual depictions of John Carter of Mars. The Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs was such an influence that I want to safeguard it as imagined by the tender-aged me (a Mars to where I can still be transported whenever I want).

    However, on Star Wars, I have always found this hilarious (grotesque as it is)

    1. I suppose the whole crux of Childhood's End is that no-one sees the aliens Arto so your sentiment is wholly apt. I've not read John Carter but I think I should. As for the Star Wars custom figures on the link it doesn't surprise me that they have been made. I suspect there's an 'action' figure of a Wampa's doo doo too!

  2. MJ Southcoast base8/30/2021 7:07 pm

    The action figure from the Satan pit episode was used as an FX figure for David Bowie's son's movie Moon with Sam Rockwell

    1. I love that film MJ. When was the figure used in the film?

    2. MJ Southcoast base9/03/2021 11:22 pm

      The large moon crawler exterior shots

  3. I recently got a remaindered toy from this same range. It's a Ted Cassidy action figure of his alien role in "To Serve Man" and yes, it does come with a cookbook accessory!

    1. I shall have to remind myself of that episode Looey. Sounds good!
